This summer, Rocco and I—with the help of his sister and the uneasy support of his mother—embarked on a new venture: Starting our own guitar business! Below is the Mission Statement of our company, Surf on over to our site and check out what Rocco and I are up to. Join our mailing list for a chance to WIN A FREE GUITAR!
I’m the father of a 15-year-old son with severe autism.

Buddy Club—our two-man band!
It may take a while, but, with luck, my son will not only learn a viable skill, but our business will grow to a point where we can hire additional special needs employees to craft instruments along with us. I think of the young men and women my son plays hockey and baseball with—what kind of jobs will be available to them once they finish school? What about the kids in my son’s class? What about all the special needs kids he doesn’t go to school with? That’s a lot of young people who need a place to work. I want them to come make guitars and basses with my son and I, and fill the world with art and music!